

As you know, I like things to be very simple and direct. To me, the rags that overlay the type—2014 graphic design senior show—represent the struggles that we have all been through to become the graphic designers we are today. Rags can be a pain in the ass, but for the love of graphic design, we all take our time and fix them.


I realized the posters were too simple on their own so I decided to emboss each poster


To make the lines constant and perfect for each poster, we would have to use a metal grid in combination with the press. I’ve already talked to the sculpture majors and this is actually very easy and cheap to do (they recently acquired a programmable metal cutting machine & I can get a scrap piece of 8.5X11 metal for almost nothing).

Here is another ideaImage

close up


I have decided between two logos (Exist & The Recovery Center) that have received awesome feedback from people going through rehab, have recently left rehab, have been out of rehab for 5+ years, and people that know zero about drugs or rehab. 

WEBSITE (Home page with each logo then the entire website)




APP (Home screen with each logo then entire app)














JOURNAL (Still getting supplies to make the actual journal. It will be a hardbound book)




Inside cover and first page




APP revision:

After interviewing several people I realized that they each had a different “reminder” that kept them sober. They also liked looking at other people’s reminders because it helped them just as much. I thought it was important to incorporate that into the app. 


They use their mugshots, family photos, pictures of other people’s families, etc. I am still doing research, but I do know people want the ability to share their reminder and see others. If they do not, the app will give them the option to keep anything private.


more revision to come

Feb. 25:

I had a meeting with Viviene Wood, a sociology teacher here at UWG. I showed her what I was working on and she was very informative and quickly connected me with past and present addicts. The 5th and 6th I have meetings with recovering addicts. I will also be going to a recovery house with Viviene to talk to people that have nothing (they should be most helpful when looking for the tangible version of the app).


Why is there not an emphasis on cultural design in school? Many times I am left with a project based purely on aesthetics catered towards the market of American consumerism. This is not based solely on the teacher’s assignments, but mainly because American culture is all I know. I can’t help but be inadvertently influenced by it at some point. Why can’t there be a cultural identity class that deals more with situations like the Iraq flag redesign.

Without access to other cultures and their problems, my design can only call out to one audience. Even the way I use symbolism is directed to one point of view. After reading “Better Nation Building Through Design” I am inspired to travel more and look for internships in other countries.


After reading this short essay, I wonder where the University of West Georgia fits in. UWG is neither a process or portfolio school—following a completely different course outline. I’ve always felt a little insecure, not because of the school, but because the course outline seemed weak in comparison to better known portfolio schools. But as Michael Bierut states, “…it’s possible to study graphic design for four years without any meaningful exposure to the fine arts, literature, science, history, politics, or any of the other disciplines that unite us in a common culture.” He really captures my attention with that statement. I think the constant combination of fine art and design classes at UWG help broaden a student’s approach to design. 

In fine art you are constantly thinking of different ways to talk to the public. Fine art can however fall short because it is normally centered upon ones own ideals. This is where design classes help you bring your work back to the real world.  Plus, while you are taking art and design classes, you have the ability to take any other course you are interested in. If a student is self-motivated, this type of schooling could be just as successful—especially in relation to Michael Bierut’s view.  

RESEARCH: I began my research by printing out articles and looking for key information towards my thesis.




NAME/SLOGAN/FONT : I decided to start by seeing if a new name and slogan were necessary to further emphasize The Purpose Centers goals. Once I decided to move forward with a new name/slogan, I wanted to pick a font that was more humanistic and welcoming.


IDENTITY WORK—IN PROGRESS: I felt like a san serif with rounded corner was softer and more inviting than most fonts. I may decide to hand write it. After many designs I only have a few that I felt were successful. I am still working on broadening my thoughts here but I am happy with the direction I’m going.





I approached The Purpose Center due to their poorly designed identity, and their lack of tools keeping their students motivated and inspired to better themselves. After researching a wide range of rehab clinics, I came to find that only a few clinics had somewhat strong identity systems. However, even the stronger identities still felt very generic and overplayed. If executed properly, my thesis project will stand out among others while keeping with a subtle theme that is necessary in the rehabilitation world.


After becoming more informed of The Purpose Center’s goals, talking to other councilors, and speaking with existing/preexisting drug users on forums and blogs, I narrowed my goals. Even though showing students how to exist without drugs is my main goal, improving the clinics identity will be my first goal. This is because a strong identity will give me guidelines when designing my deliverables. I will also be approaching other problems within the clinic such as—students feeling uninspired, uncared for, leave because they do not like the rules, and often relapse after leaving the clinic.


IDENTITY—Once a new identity is created I will then implement it on business/appointment cards, notepads, lessons plans, t-shirts, posters, an app, and any other material I see fit. I have an appointment this Sunday to further discuss the life and routine of those going through rehabilitation.

JOURNAL—From my research so far, I know students enjoy having personal objects that they can keep close, such as a journal. The journal should include space for notes, how they feel, drawings, what keeps them motivated, inspiration messages, and is most importantly an outlet they can absorb rather than drugs. From talking with those on rehabilitation forums, the journal is the most important and personal object someone going through rehab can have.

HABIT BOOK—Also, since students are having trouble with the rules being presented to them, I think they should have the ability to establish some of their own rules. Maybe something that isn’t necessarily a rulebook but a better habit book.

CALENDAR—Past drug users know the exact day they went into rehab, so a calendar isn’t for keeping track of the day anymore. Because of this, the calendar could be another way to bring in inspiration rather than focusing how long they have been at the clinic

FACING EMOTIONS—Addicts are addicts for a reason. They normally use drugs instead of facing the fear, anger, anxiety, or depression they have. This is just another area they need to practice in to learn to exist in the real world. Everyone is different so they need to learn what works for them. A guide could include ways to express themselves through drawings, poetry, exercise, session of extrinsic and intrinsic thought, reading, planting a seed and helping it grow, and breathing exercises. There are also key words that they could learn to pick up on that may show them when they are being sad or mad without them realizing it.

Hopefully I will leave The Purpose Center with a stronger identity and the students better equipped towards turning their life around.